
徐玮音乐家族 国际版 DD BOX CITY VOICE 专属设计 转载&E; 徐玮成长的故事 第二章 &E; 初恋的故事 徐玮电子报 &E; 东方霞 特稿

加入 2013-02-12 04:35:54 | 类别: 新闻纪实


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徐瑋音樂家族 國際版 DD BOX CITY VOICE 專屬設計 DD BOX CITY VOICE 站長 - DANNY http://dannymusicclub.blogspot.tw/




第二章 - 初戀的故事 徐瑋電子報 - 東方霞  特稿http://blog.udn.com/jerryboom/7227185

徐瑋升上國中後,個性與小學時期大大的不同 ! 也許是因為進入發育期,身形改變大,再加上剛上中學面對一個新的陌生環境,不知不覺小時後愛玩與孩子王的個性悄悄的變得比較沉默了。

情 竇初開的徐瑋,國二時在一次郊遊活動認識了一位長像清秀的同校女同學,JERRY立刻煞到小女生,小女生也看上徐瑋,於是兩人開始談起純純的戀愛,熱戀期 間徐瑋每天都要跑到小女生家等她一起上學,放學後陪她一起回家,陷入熱戀的兩人每天都有聊不完的話題,某日小女生要求徐瑋每天都要寫信給她,被愛衝昏頭的 JERRY真的就乖乖的每天一封情書給小女生,竟然連續100多封,後來徐瑋想破頭都想不出來寫什麼 ! 於是就都寫 ( 我今天真的很想妳 ! ) ,JERRY的歌唱天份那時就開始了,與小女友獨處的時候,總是會唱情歌給她聽,常常在小女友家的頂樓唱情歌給小女友聽,當時就用歌聲把小女友迷得團團轉 ! 

中學時的徐瑋情竇初開,百封情書訴衷情,原來這就是愛情 ! 

某日小女友落漠的告 知徐瑋全家將移民到德國,兩人被這突如其來的消息攪得情續低落 ! 剛剛燃起的愛也宣告結束 ! 這段純純初戀從開始到結束一年都不到,但是卻是令JERRY最永生難忘的初戀回憶 ! 有甜有酸,有爭執,有想念,兩人還相約20歲的時後老地方見,所謂 ( 老地方 ) 是指板橋後站兩人常偷偷約會的一家小咖啡廳。

國中畢業後徐瑋發現自己歌唱的天份,參加電視台的歌唱比賽竟然讓16歲的小 伙子得到比賽的冠軍,也於同年出版了第一張自己的專輯 ( 那個女孩 ),專輯大大熱銷也風靡了無數少男少女,陽光鄰家男孩親合的笑容連大人都喜歡 ! 俊俏的外型與優美的歌聲迅速成為國內最受歡迎的實力派偶像歌手,盡管已成為許多女孩仰慕的夢中情人,徐瑋對於自己14歲國中二年級時的初戀情人始終放在心 上。也記得兩人20歲重逢的約定。



初戀情懷總是詩,美麗的她不知現在變得怎樣了 ! 還記得我嗎 ?

初戀情懷總是詩,美麗的她不知現在變得怎樣了 ! 還記得我嗎 ? 某日一大早徐瑋剛起床突然接到一通電話,電話那頭傳來非常熟悉的聲音,原來是當年的初戀小女友回台灣了 ! ( 六年不見的她應該長大了吧 ! ) 。

徐瑋印象中的小女友像極了英國莎士比亞筆下的愛情故事女主角 ( 茱莉葉 ) ,脫俗秀麗溫柔婉約。

這 一天徐瑋懷著七上八下的心情依約見面,進了咖啡廳瞧見一個成熟捲髮的女人獨自坐在角落,徐瑋立即認出她就是初戀女友,多年不見的兩人陌生的吃緊,氣氛一時 之間有些冷場,但是沒多久漸漸熱絡了起來,兩人又開始嘻嘻哈哈彷彿回到國二初戀時的美好時光,( 成熟的她像是變了一個人 ),世故的初戀情人與還是一臉孩子氣的徐瑋看起來像是姐弟,正值歌壇打拼的徐瑋已無心小兒女私情,當年重逢的約定誓言兩人都依約實現,( 你的專輯我有買喔 ! 很好聽 ! ) 原來她雖然人在國外,早已得到同學的訊息對徐瑋的一切瞭若指掌,約會愉悅溫馨的結束,這也是徐瑋最後一次與初戀女友見面。

( 我會永遠把她放在心裡,畢竟初戀只有一次啊 ! )  

以浪漫情歌聞名的徐瑋感性的說出對初戀女友的懷念 !  ( 我想我的歌聲可以常伴她左右 ),( 現在我的歌迷都是我心靈上的情人 ) ,徐瑋找到自己人生的方向,決定化小愛為大愛,用好聽浪漫的歌聲分享給他的歌迷。

兵役後長大的徐瑋以 ( 想不盡的妳 ) 紅遍大街小巷,情歌之動聽也向世人證明 ( 徐瑋式的情歌 ) 多麼打動人心 !


Xu Weicheng long story

Second chapter - the story of first love Xu Wei the newsletter - Orient Xia feature articles

Xu Wei liter on the country, the personality and the different elementary school! Perhaps because of puberty, stature change, plus just on the high school face a new and unfamiliar surroundings, loves to play with children of the king's personality unconsciously hours after quietly become silent.Xu Wei, Qingdouchukai second year in a outings to know like a long graceful female students of the same school, JERRY evil immediately to the little girls, little girls also took a fancy to Xu Wei, so they began to talk about an innocent love love during Xu Wei went to the two little girls home she went to school together, accompany her home after school, caught in love every day, endless talk about the topic every day, one day a little girl asked Xu Wei per daily love letter to a little girl every day to write to her, and carried away the first loved JERRY really nice, even for more than 100 letters, Xu Wei was broken head wants out what to write so he they are written (today I really wanted to you!), JERRY singing talent was started, when alone with the little girl, always sing love songs to her, and often sing love songs to the top floor of the house in the little girl The little girlfriend listen, was singing little girl fans round and round!

Middle School when 100 love letters Xu Wei Qingdouchukai the, v. Passions, So this is love! 

 One day little girl Lamo told Xu Wei family immigrated to Germany, two sudden news upsets situation continued down just rekindled the love came to an end this innocent first love from start to finish less than a year but so JERRY most unforgettable memories of love! sweet and acid, there is a dispute, miss the two also Meet 20-year-old when you see the old place, the so-called (the old place) refers to the the Banciao station after two often secretly dating a small cafe.Xu Wei after graduating from junior found his singing talent, but she was a 16-year-old boy to participate in the television singing contest champion, also published in the same year, the first album (the girl), the album greatly Hot also swept countless boys and girls, the sun Linjiananhai affinity smile even adults like! handsome appearance with a beautiful voice quickly became the most popular the power faction idol singer, has become the dreams of many girls admired, Xu Wei for his 14-year-old junior, sophomore first love is always in mind. Also remember the two 20-year-old reunited convention.First love feelings are always poetry, beautiful, 

I do not know what has now become her! Remember me?First love feelings are always poetry, beautiful, I do not know what has now become her! Remember me? Wake up a day early in the morning Xu Weigang suddenly received a phone call, the phone I heard a very familiar voice, the original was the first love of small girlfriend Taiwan (six years, but not, she should grow up!)Xu Wei impression girlfriend like most of the British Shakespeare's love story heroine (Juliet), refined, beautiful and graceful.Xu Weihuai sixes and sevens mood this day to turn up to meet, into a coffee shop and saw a mature curly hair woman sitting alone in the corner, Xu Weili that recognized her first girlfriend, not seen for many years the two strangers tight, the atmosphere of the moment between some cold field, but not long gradually warm up, they began laughing and joking as if the good times back to the first love of country, two (mature, she was like a changed man), the sophisticated first love and still look childish Xu Wei Xu Wei looks like siblings, a time when the music scene hard mood for small children affair year reunion convention oath both contract, (your album I bought Oh! good to hear!) original her abroad students has long been the message of Xu Wei if palm dating pleasant warm end, which is the last Xu Wei met with my first girlfriend.(I would never put her in my heart, after all, love only once!)Famous romantic love songs Xu Wei emotional state miss my first girlfriend! (I think my songs often accompanied her around), (now my fans are my spiritual lover), Xu Wei, to find their own life direction, decided to minor in love as share with his fans, with a nice, romantic song.Xu Wei grew up in the military service after popular in the streets (you want endless), The Love Songs sounding prove (Xu Wei-love songs) how touching!



关键字:  徐玮音乐家族   国际版   DD   BOX   CITY   VOICE   专属设计
